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  • Writer's pictureJon Furr

UFO Contact/Abduction Phenomenon

When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, the real question is who are flying these ships, and what are they doing here? For the last 70 or so years, there have been countless cases, of people, of all walks of life, coming forward with stories of being contacted, or abducted by otherworldly beings. The earliest cases date back to the 50’s with Antonio Vilas Boas, a Brazilian farmer, and Betty and Barney Hill in the 60’s. They both had experiences that included seeing a ufo, being lifted up into the ship, and having medical type procedures performed on them by alien beings. They both included a reproductive, or sexual element. Boas had a sexual encounter with a beautiful, blond humanoid type being. He said they needed a stallion to bolster their stock. They went on to show him various features of the ship, new technologies, and then returned him to his home. Betty had a needle inserted into her naval, and she was told it was a pregnancy test. Although, many believe it was to examine her reproductive system, or extract ovum. Barney had a sperm sample taken. This case resulted in the two experiencers being hypnotized, or regressed, in order to recall the event. You can find the session on You Tube. It’s very interesting, and considered a breakthrough, in that, now, we regularly use hypnotic regression to help experiencers recall and come to terms with their contact or abduction. Many of the expericeners seem to know it happened, but have their memories blocked in the conscious mind, recalling only bits and pieces of foggy memories. This is supposedly done on purpose by the alien beings to help keep their program clandestine. We see this in almost every case, although some people have completely conscious memories of the whole experience.

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