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  • Writer's pictureJon Furr

Experiencer Research Considerations

There are many unanswered questions, theories, tactics, psychological factors, and so on involved with the abduction or contact phenomenon. There are the conclusions and data that researchers have compiled over many years of hypnosis regressions and conscious memories. There has certainly been a question about how reliable hypnosis is for this purpose. Hypnosis is just the act of putting someone into a deeply relaxed state. People may become more suggestible in this state, but they do not lose control of their mind or body. They are completely aware of their surroundings and totally in control of their person. There have been well founded concerns that people can fill in spots of their memories with false information during these sessions, especially if lead by the hypnotist. However, leading a subject during these sessions would be an example of a really bad hypnotic practitioner, as they are taught to specifically not lead the subject. There are also ways to ask questions to put in controls to see if people are, in essence, making things up or getting false memories. An example would be, “Did the aliens open the window and walk you out to the Ufo. If they say yes, then you most likely know this is false information, as they do not open windows to take people, rather they would float them through the window, without opening it or take through the wall. This is consistent with what researchers have found in the study of the phenomenon. You also have the psychological factor involved with these accounts. The witness could be completely making this up for attention, or to be a part of the community, to write a book, or to make money from the media/exposure. They could have clinical mental issues that require professional treatment. I have seen this in my experiencer work, and it can be hard to deal with. Bizarre, erratic behavior begins from the first contact with the witness, and continues, sometimes to the point of having to gently tell them you don’t think they are having Ufo experiences- maybe its all in your mind. This is rare, but it does happen. Sometimes our minds can play tricks on us, and we can convince ourselves that things are happening to us that really are not. If you have read Ufo books, seen the movies, and television pieces on the phenomenon, it’s not out of the question to wonder if it’s happening to you, as far as having poltergeist like activity, strange dreams, non-human entity contact, and so on. One might meditate and see an see an ethereal being in their minds eye that is communicating with them. Is this a legitimate contact? maybe who can really say. Some researchers have really thought that hypnotic regression was the key to unlocking the memories that the aliens blocked of the encounter in the subconscious. This can be seen in the work of Budd Hopkins. He did say that the most important use of the hypnotic therapy was to calm the witness, and help them come to terms with the experience mentally, effectively treating the trauma involved with the events. In the process the specific information , or unlocked memories will come flowing out. It is said by many researchers that it takes several sessions to get accurate or reliable information. This is more in line with what I use in my research, being that regression hypnosis is not the end all or ultimate technique for experiencer research, but can be a useful tool. I do believe that the phenomenon utilizes a strong psychic element when interacting with humans, so to think that for us to use parapsychology techniques to study them would only be appropriate. With all of the new information coming out about A.A.T.I.P. and other programs, it has become even more evident that Ufos are, in fact, real. We are seeing off world craft in our skies. Let's get past the question of " Are Ufos real?" We need to intensify the

study of the their origins. What are the intelligences behind them? Where are they coming from? What is their agenda? We have a lot of past work to go on that could be part of it, and great work continuing today. Lots of speculation, which is healthy. I desperately want to know where the tic tacs came from, the gimbal video, Who sent that here?

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